AUDITING 2013 Guess Paper IMPORTANT QUESTIONS Punjab University Part 1 Guess Papers, Part 1 Audit Guess Paper, auditing, auditing guess papers,2013 auditing,online guess auditing,online auditing 2013,auditing guess papers,free guess papers regarding audit, Part 2 Audit guess papers,Punjab University Audit Guess Paper,2013 Punjab University Audit Guess, Part 2 Guess papers
Follow are important question beneficial to upcoming paper regarding auditing at 24 june 2013. don't take them light major part regarding your paper is given below.
1. What do you understand by Auditing? How does Auditing differ from Accountancy?
2. “An Auditor is a watch-dog not a bloodhound.” Explain this statement.
3. Define vouching furthermore explain its importance.
4. Distinguish between internal check furthermore internal audit. Point out the auditor’s duty regarding internal check.
5. What is meant by the term verification? Give the objects furthermore importance regarding verification.
6. What is secret reserve? How is it created? Explain the duties regarding an auditor in this respect.
7. Discuss in detail the liabilities regarding a company auditor.
8. What is Statutory Report? How would you audit the same?
9. How would you conduct the audit regarding a banking company?
10. Write short notes at any two regarding the following :
(a)Qualities regarding a successful auditor
(d)Audit programme.
Also see them1) Define auditing furthermore describe its objectives.2) Define investigation furthermore distinguish it with auditing.3) Describe the rights furthermore duties regarding an auditor.4) What are various types regarding audit?5) What are audit work papers? What are their purposes? What are the usual contentsof audit work papers?6) Define audit techniques, name them furthermore explain any five regarding them.7) What is meant by evidence in auditing? Name the various types regarding audit evidence.8) Write a detailed note at audit program.9) Distinguish between financial audit furthermore cost audit.10)What points should be considered while auditing the annual accounts regarding a hotel &restaurant, Banks, Doctors, Educational institutions, charitable institutions.11)What are divisible profits? What should be the guiding principles in determining thedivisible profits?12) Explain the importance regarding an accurate valuation regarding inventories furthermore list steps beneficial to theverification regarding inventories.13)Define fraud furthermore explain types regarding fraud.14)Write detailed notes at internal control, internal audit furthermore cost audit.15)Audit report (qualified furthermore unqualified)16) Income tax short notes:A. Total incomeB. Income yearC. Sales taxD. Income tax authoritiesE. Powers regarding income tax officersF. Tax payersG. Central board regarding revenue (cbr)H. Registered firmI. PersonsJ. Assessment yearK. Appellate tribunalL. AssesseeM. Casual incomeN. Self assessment scheme