Play as Neo himself in this groundbreaking action game written and directed by the Wachowski brothers. The story itself follows the events of the entire Matrix Trilogy but this time the fate of Zion lies in your hands. Dodge bullets fly run on walls and read code as Matrix physics come to life in this interactive blockbuster that puts YOU on the Path of Neo.Set in the Matrix universe TheMatrix: Path Of Neo will enable players to actually play as “Neo” the central character and relive his most important and memorable scenarios from the complete film trilogy including the original film.
The Matrix: Path of Neo is the third video game spun off from the Matrix series and the second developed by Shiny Entertainment. The game was written and directed by The Wachowski Brothers, who wrote and directed the three Matrix films. Players control the character Neo, participating in scenes from the films.
In Shiny Entertainment's first licensed Matrix game,Enter the Matrix, only sideline characters were playable. It did not feature the series' protagonistNeo, and due to its nature as an extension of the films' storyline, had few recreations of scenes in the film trilogy. David Perry, president of Shiny Entertainment Inc, has stated that Path of Neo is "basically the game that gamers wanted first time around... The Neo Game!"
The Matrix Path of new Game is directed byWachowski Brother and this man also directed by Three Movies. In this Game Allow Players are Fight with many Enemies’s and do special Tasks. The enemy’s are attack on the players and Players are fight with enemies.
This Game is also Belong to entertainment because many entertainment Missions have in this game. This Game is also Belong to movie Matrix. And in start the game players do not have power and than letter Allows power. This game Belongs to Fighting games and have many Fight Mission in this game.
- As Neo, you’ll make choices that resolve scenarios — and face the consequences of those choices
- Sophisticated new martial arts engine brings gamers the feel being Neo, as he faces Agents, Exiles working for the Merovingian and heavily-armed SWAT teams
- Enahnced Bullet Time special effects allow gamers to dodge bullets, jump off walls and defy gravity and logic to recreate its most memorable scenes
- Features original footage from all three 3 films, plus sequences from The Animatrix.
System Requirements:
Processor Intel Core 2 Duo
Ram 1 GB
Hard Disk Space 6 GB
Graphics Card 256 MB