1: Only 2% regarding the current Linux kernel written by Linus Torvalds.
2: The Linux kernel version is written in the programming language C.
3: The first commercial distribution GNU / Linux was Yggdrasil was launched Lice-CD format in 1992. Red Hat was one regarding the first distributions toward settle within companies furthermore data centers in 1999.
4: A guy named William Della Croce Jr. registered the name Linux furthermore demanded royalties beneficial to use regarding the mark. Later, he agreed toward assign the trademark toward the true owner, who is Torvalds.5: Countries such as Russia, Brazil furthermore Venezuela have put their focus at Linux as a basis beneficial to interoperable management , cost efficient furthermore technologically independent.
6: U.S. Department regarding Defense, U.S. Navy Submarine Fleet, Federal Aviation Administration uses Linux in government offices. Indian state regarding Tamil Nadu uses Linux beneficial to education purpose.
7: 90% regarding the world’s most powerful supercomputers using an operating system GNU / Linux, in fact, the top ten regarding supercomputers use Linux. In fact, the penetration regarding Linux in data centers is very high, 33.8% regarding the world runs at Linux servers compared toward 7.3% does so in a Microsoft operating system.
8: The name regarding the penguin, Tux , is not entirely clear. On the one hand, it is said that the origin regarding the name comes from the fact that penguins appear toward be wearing a tuxedo, which in English is said max tuxedo tux furthermore is abbreviated. In contrast, another source comes from the letters regarding the logo regarding Tux are Unix Torvalds.
9: Torvalds wanted toward call the kernel Freax (a combination regarding “free”, “freak”, furthermore the letter X toward indicate that it is a Unix-like), but his friend Ari Lemmke, who administered the FTP server where the kernel was hosted beneficial to download, the download directory called kernel regarding Linux Torvalds.
10: Debian was one regarding the first GNU / Linux that was constituted furthermore organized as a community regarding developers.
11: Linux is present in highly critical applications such as Japan’s bullet trains, traffic control, San Francisco, the New York Stock Exchange, CERN, many air traffic control systems or control regarding nuclear reactors regarding submarines furthermore ships many nuclear war.
12: Linux programmers are often associated with living “isolated” in the world, however, over 75% regarding the code developed beneficial to the Linux kernel came from private sector developers. In fact, large technology companies like Intel, Google, IBM, AMD, Sun Microsystems, Dell, Asus, HP, Analog Devices, Oracle, Novell or Red Hat help developing applications, contributing toward the core or pre-installing any GNU / Linux their machines. In fact, during the 2003 Super Bowl (which paralyzes the United States furthermore remains glued toward the TV beneficial to many Americans), IBM delivered a beautiful ad talking about Linux furthermore open source options.
13: The GNU project in 1991, had no drivers furthermore kernel, that’s what led toward Linus Torvalds toward address the Linux kernel development. If GNU had had, perhaps, Torvalds had not been put toward work at that.
14: The Linux kernel is now the most widely ported operating system, running at a great variety regarding operating systems.
15: World known companies such as Google, Cisco, Facebook, Twitter, Linked in etc use Linux as their main operating system.